Now That Biden Has Won, Here Are Three Things To Remember…

Now That Biden Has Won, Here Are Three Things To Remember…

Church, I am guessing that most of you woke up this morning celebrating that your favorite candidate won or in despair that your candidate lost. Whatever category you fall into, I have a few brief words for you.

Remember That God Is Still King of Kings

In the midst of a very divisive election, it is easy to get caught up in politics. But in the grand scheme of time, the results of the November 3 election means very little. It will last for another four years and may impact some policies for many years after. But 50 or 100 years later, it will be just an afterthought. 200 years later no one will remember a thing about it. Keep that in mind when determine whether or not you will put a lot of excitement or despair into the results. Because while this new (or old) candidate will be the president for the next four years, not only was God reigning before then, but will CONTINUE to reign for eternity after!

We should care about our country, political positions, and important outcomes of the election like abortion, the poor, and human rights. But even if the “wrong” candidate comes in the office, God is still in control! Ultimately, no matter who is the president of our country, we still serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lord! He is the king of our true home and that is the “country” that matters the most in the long run.

Remember that God Can Still Work Through Ungodly Leaders

All throughout scripture, we see a lot of very ungodly leaders reign in Israel and in the surrounding countries. In all that time, never once do we see God say, “Oh no! This ungodly leader is going to make it impossible for me to continue reigning!”

Listen, if you think for one moment that whoever is president will impact how God works, then you are sorely mistaken! God is God! He is sovereign! He is all-powerful! He is in control! Do you think any human, even if he is president, can have an impact on what God wants to do?

When God needed to discipline Israel, he was able to accomplish his works no matter who was king. He used sinful nations to attack Israel. He used sinful kings to do his bidding. He sparked revival when he determined to do so (like with Nineveh). God can still work even if there is an ungodly president in the office.

Remember That No Matter Who Is The President, We Are Still Given A Mission

I hope that you voted and I hope that you continue to care about politics. I hope that you will continue to work through the political system, community, and church to lessen human suffering (for the born and unborn), help the poor, and take care of the world God has given us.

But with that in mind, we must remember that politics is not the end-all for the Christian. Instead, we are citizens of a different country and God has called us to try to get as many people as possible to join our true country… the kingdom of God. That is why when Jesus ascended into heaven, his final message was not anything political, it was spiritual! Jesus told them (and us) to go into all the world and preach about him! We are called to make disciples of Jesus.

I hope that when the dust settles on this election and the emotions begin to normalize, we will all as a church return to our primary calling. Not to get Trump or Biden elected, but to get people to hear about Jesus Christ. After all, neither Trump or Biden can save people from hell. Only Jesus can do that! So let’s get back to the father’s business of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ to the world. That is something we can and should be doing no matter the president.

Please note that this blog was written on the morning of November 3, before election results started coming in, so I have no idea who won at the time of writing.