March 2022 Reading Challenge

March 2022 Reading Challenge

March Reading Challenge

God’s Smuggler by Brother Andrew
257 pages
Missionary Biography
Amazon Link (Available as a print, ebook, and audiobook)


Book Summary From Amazon:

A True-Life Thriller That Will Leave
You Breathless!

In the anniversary edition of this electrifying real-life story, readers are gripped from the first page by the harrowing account of a young man who risked his life to smuggle Bibles through the borders of closed nations. Now, sixty years after Brother Andrew first prayed for God’s miracle protection, this expanded edition of a classic work encourages new readers to meet this remarkable man and his mission for the first time.

Working undercover for God, a mission that continues to this day, has made Brother Andrew one of the all-time heroes of the faith. His narrow escapes from danger to share the love of Jesus will encourage and embolden believers in their own walks of faith.

Discussion Questions

Post in the comments section any thoughts you have of the book. Write as little or as much as you would like, but try to write something. Below are some suggestions of what you can talk about. They are only suggestions, so only use them if you want.

  1. What stood out to from the book?
  2. Share your favorite story from the book.
  3. Share your least favorite part of the book.
  4. What surprised you most about the book?
  5. What did you read that challenged you spiritually?
  6. Are there lingering questions from the book you’re still thinking about?
  7. Did the book change your thinking in any way?

Scroll further down to get to the comments section. For general information about the Island Pond 2022 Reading Challenge, go here.


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