June 2022 Reading Challenge

June 2022 Reading Challenge

June Reading Challenge

A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World by Paul E. Miller
304 pages
Christian Living/Theology
Amazon Link (Available as a print, ebook, and audiobook)


Book Summary From Amazon:

More than 300,000 copies sold! Now updated and expanded!

Prayer is hard. Often, unless circumstances demand it―such as an illness or saying grace before a meal―most of us simply do not pray. This kind of prayerlessness can leave us with a distressed spirit and practical unbelief characterized by fear, anxiety, joylessness, and spiritual depression.

A Praying Life has encouraged thousands of Christians to pursue a vibrant prayer life full of joy and power. A life of prayer invites you to a life of connection to God. When Jesus describes the intimacy that He seeks with us, He talks about joining us for dinner (Revelation 3:20). This book reminds readers that prayer is simply making conversation with God a rhythm of life.

Now with added chapters addressing prayers of lament and further guidance for using prayer cards, Paul Miller invites you to foster prayer that regularly hopes, trusts, and expects God to act. Learn to develop helpful habits and approaches to prayer that will enable you to return to a childlike faith and witness spiritual growth today!

“This book will be like having the breath of God at your back. Let it lift you to new hope.” ―Dan B. Allender, PhD, author of Bold Love

Discussion Questions

Post in the comments section any thoughts you have of the book. Write as little or as much as you would like, but try to write something. Below are some suggestions of what you can talk about. They are only suggestions, so only use them if you want.

  1. What stood out to from the book?
  2. Share your favorite story from the book.
  3. Share your least favorite part of the book.
  4. What surprised you most about the book?
  5. What did you read that challenged you spiritually?
  6. Are there lingering questions from the book you’re still thinking about?
  7. Did the book change your thinking in any way?

Scroll further down to get to the comments section. For general information about the Island Pond 2022 Reading Challenge, go here.


    Kyle Lewis Author

    Very challenging yet practical book on prayer. One of the best I have read.

    Peter Chodakowski

    “Learned desperation is at the heart of a praying life”

    That hit me hard. I don’t like depending on others for anything!

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