Information For Members of Island Pond

Information For Members of Island Pond


Dear Island Pond Members,

With the coronavirus continuing to keep us from meeting in person, we are in the unique position of having to make some decisions outside of the normal guidelines of our constitution. So I wanted to keep you in the loop regarding what the deacons and pastors have planned.

First, the members are suppose to meet on a quarterly basis. In May, members are suppose to vote on a new budget and deacons. However, none of these things will be possible since we likely will not be meeting in May.

With this in mind, we have decided to delay making any decisions on these matters until we can all meet again. Many people are away during the summer (even when there is not a virus) so we will try not to have a business meeting during these months. By September we will hopefully be able to meet again in person and then will plan to have a business meeting and give members a chance to vote on the May items.

Until that time, all deacons who were scheduled to rotate off on June 1 will stay as active deacons and this current year’s budget will be used for the summer until a new budget is voted on.

We did discuss the option of having a Zoom business meeting, but we feared that this may prevent some of the members who are not able to get on from participating.

I also wanted to let you all know that Island Pond has applied for the CARES Act Small Business Loan offered by the government. If approved, it will cover 2.5 months of salary, utilities, and mortgage for our church. If we use it appropriately, it will then convert into a grant. If you have any questions about this, please contact the office. We have not been approved yet and a few days ago I read that the funds for the loan had run out of money, so all of this may be a moot point.

Praying for you all.
