Evening Service Obituary

Evening Service Obituary

OBITUARY: 6pm Service, also known as Evening Service, age 1.5, of Hampstead, NH, quietly passed away this weekend at Island Pond Baptist Church. The evening service had an up and down life over the past year and a half. Its highlight last year was when eight people were baptized over the winter and spring. However, after a strong start, attendance began to wain and could never regain any momentum. Therefore, the leaders decided to remove the service from life support on Monday. Pastor Kyle was at its side when it passed away singing one of its favorite songs, Great Are You Lord.
The Evening Service is survived by its much stronger sibling, the 10:30am service. It is also rumored that a new sibling service will be birthed next year.
No memorial service is planned for the evening service. In lieu of flowers,  donations may be made to Island Pond Baptist Church, 26 N. Salem Road, Hampstead, NH, 03841.