

Christians should be against violence

The news in the past week of the shooting at the school in Nashville was absolutely tragic and heartbreaking. Sadly, it has gotten to the point where it is not shocking. School shootings happen enough now that we have grown desensitized to it. What made this one unique was that the school appears to have been targeted because of their religious beliefs and in particular their opposition of homosexuality. It reminds me of the verse from 1 Timothy 3:12, where Paul says, “Indeed, all who desire…

How Should I Address Those That Are Transgender?

Ask The Pastor – How Should I Address Those That Are Transgender? This is a question that I came up with myself because I was asking this very question recently! The other day I read in an article that actress Ellen Page, who announced a few years back that she was gay, has now announced that she is transgender. She said that her preferred pronoun is “he” and would like to now be called Elliot Page. This, and many similar…