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Changes to Online Giving

Dear Island Pond Family, If you never give online, then you can ignore this email. If you do give online, please continue reading! With the start of the new year we are transitioning to a new online giving platform called Planning Center. Please read the following information, particularly if you use recurring giving. The giving page on our website has been updated, so if you normally give by clicking on that link, then you can continue doing what you normally do. You…

Island Pond was featured on the Baptist Press

The Baptist Press wrote a very nice article about Island Pond the other day! Here is one part of the article: Talking about spiritual things is especially difficult in Hampstead, a town 45 minutes north of Boston, because New Hampshire and neighboring Massachusetts are the least religiously-inclined states in the nation, the pastor said, citing a Pew Research Center study.  “New Englanders are very independent, so the idea of attending a church is a challenge for a lot of people,”…

Announcement Regarding Lay Pastors

Dear Island Pond Family, On Sunday, January 15, we will be holding our quarterly business meeting after the service. I am excited to let you all know that the members will have the opportunity to vote on making Adam Houston our first lay pastor. Last year the congregation voted to make some changes in the constitution that created the position of “lay pastor.” This is someone who serves as a pastor at the church on a volunteer basis (as opposed…

Evening Service Obituary

OBITUARY: 6pm Service, also known as Evening Service, age 1.5, of Hampstead, NH, quietly passed away this weekend at Island Pond Baptist Church. The evening service had an up and down life over the past year and a half. Its highlight last year was when eight people were baptized over the winter and spring. However, after a strong start, attendance began to wain and could never regain any momentum. Therefore, the leaders decided to remove the service from life support…

Guidelines for the indoor service on June 7

Guidelines for the indoor service on June 7…   We have to maintain 40 percent capacity… so no more than 120 people in the sanctuary.   Everyone must stay socially distant… 6 feet apart. Those that live together may sit together.   People will enter the sanctuary through the main, middle doors. The outer aisles will be for exiting only.   People will be dismissed by rows after the service. No one will be allowed to congregate in the lobby.…

Reopening Information For Island Pond – Updated 6/4/20

Dear Island Pond Family, Today Governor Sununu announced that churches are safe to reopen in New Hampshire. With that in mind,  we are making plans to have our first service in the sanctuary on Sunday, June 7, at 10:30am. Here is the schedule for the next two Sundays: This Sunday, May 31, we will have our normal drive-in service at 10:30am. We will not meet indoors on May 31. Then the following Sunday, June 7, we will have TWO SERVICES.…

Information For Members of Island Pond

4/18/2020 Dear Island Pond Members, With the coronavirus continuing to keep us from meeting in person, we are in the unique position of having to make some decisions outside of the normal guidelines of our constitution. So I wanted to keep you in the loop regarding what the deacons and pastors have planned. First, the members are suppose to meet on a quarterly basis. In May, members are suppose to vote on a new budget and deacons. However, none of…

Drive-In/Parking Lot Church

Starting June 7, the drive-in/parking lot service time will be at 9:30am. We will also have an indoor service  at 10:30am in the sanctuary. Drive-In Service Information: The drive-in service is held in the parking lot of the church. Driving into the parking lot it will be to the right of the church. We have several speakers set up for you to hear the music and message. We will also have an FM transmitter so you can listen through your…