August 2022 Reading Challenge

August 2022 Reading Challenge

August 2022 Reading Challenge

The Discipline of Grace by Jerry Bridges
331 pages
Christian Living/Theology
Amazon Link (Available as a print, ebook, and audiobook)


Book Summary From Amazon:

Over 200,000 copies sold

You are never beyond the reach of God’s grace―or the need for it.
Being a Christian is about more than just accepting salvation―it’s about regularly becoming more like Jesus. This is hard work. As we struggle to become more like Christ, we can easily lose sight of grace in favor of the discipline we put ourselves through.

It’s time to take another look at the role we play―and God plays―in our growth as a Christian. Renowned author Jerry Bridges offers a clear and thorough explanation of the gospel and what it means to the believer. A must-read for Christians wanting to grow in their faith, this book will comfort and challenge you as you learn about the disciplines of:
And more
Equally challenging and comforting, Bridges uses his relaxed, everyday style alongside hard-hitting truths. Now with an added study guide for personal use or group discussion so you can dive deeper into this staple of Jerry Bridges’s classic collection.

“The writings of Jerry Bridges are a gift to the church. He addresses a relevant topic with the wisdom of a scholar and the heart of a servant.” ―Max Lucado, pastor and bestselling author

Discussion Questions

Post in the comments section any thoughts you have of the book. Write as little or as much as you would like, but try to write something. Below are some suggestions of what you can talk about. They are only suggestions, so only use them if you want.

  1. What stood out to from the book?
  2. Share your favorite story from the book.
  3. Share your least favorite part of the book.
  4. What surprised you most about the book?
  5. What did you read that challenged you spiritually?
  6. Are there lingering questions from the book you’re still thinking about?
  7. Did the book change your thinking in any way?

Scroll further down to get to the comments section. For general information about the Island Pond 2022 Reading Challenge, go here.