Ask The Pastor (Page 15)

Ask The Pastor (Page 15)

Do you have a theological, pastoral, cultural, or other type of question you would like to ask the pastor that you think others may be interested in reading the answer? Submit a question to Ask The Pastor and it may end up in our blog! YOu can submit a question through this form:

The details: Your name or personal information will not be revealed on the Ask The Pastor blog. Questions submitted are not guaranteed to be answered in any specific time frame so please contact the office if you have a more urgent question or need for the church.

Quote on Riches

Henry Smith was a Puritan from the 16th century. This is what he had to say about riches… “Riches are like painted grapes, which look as though they would satisfy a man, but do not slake his hunger or quench his thirst. Riches indeed do make a man covet more, and get envy, and keep the mind in care.” Found in Leland Ryken book, Worldly Saints: The Puritans As They Really Were. 

Book Review of The Shack

I know I am about ten years past the controversy but I wanted to share some of my thoughts from recently reading The Shack by Wm. Paul Young. I originally had no intention of reading the book after hearing various outcries against its wayward theology and representations of God. However, I came across it at the library and needed a book to occupy my time so I decided to give it a try. For those who are not familiar with it, The…

Are You A Good Steward Of Your Mind?

A while back I was walking down the hallway of my son’s school after dropping him off for class. As I did this I was peeking into the various classrooms and came across a teacher teaching something about New Testament history. I thought to myself, “Wow, I wish I been taught that back in high school!” Then it occurred to me that I was taught those things back in high school! And yet I don’t remember anything from those classes. Back…