Ask The Pastor (Page 12)

Ask The Pastor (Page 12)

Do you have a theological, pastoral, cultural, or other type of question you would like to ask the pastor that you think others may be interested in reading the answer? Submit a question to Ask The Pastor and it may end up in our blog! YOu can submit a question through this form:

The details: Your name or personal information will not be revealed on the Ask The Pastor blog. Questions submitted are not guaranteed to be answered in any specific time frame so please contact the office if you have a more urgent question or need for the church.

Now That Biden Has Won, Here Are Three Things To Remember…

Church, I am guessing that most of you woke up this morning celebrating that your favorite candidate won or in despair that your candidate lost. Whatever category you fall into, I have a few brief words for you. Remember That God Is Still King of Kings In the midst of a very divisive election, it is easy to get caught up in politics. But in the grand scheme of time, the results of the November 3 election means very little.…

If You Love Your Pastor, Do These (Free) Things…

Before I became a pastor, I used to attend church every Sunday and watch the pastor on stage and think, “Wow, what a great job he has! He must really enjoy it!” And because I thought he had an amazing job, I never really told him how amazing he was or that I thought he was doing a great job. I just sort of assumed that he knew. Years later, I am now that man on stage preaching every week.…

God of the Impossible

“God loves to work in seemingly impossible situations.” If you are a Christian, you probably agree with that statement. But do you live out that belief? Tonight during our family devotions I read the kids the story of Abraham being called to a new land. He was told he would be the father of many nations. That sounds great, but there was the whole problem of him and his wife not being able to conceive. Combine that with old age,…

A Lesson From The Civil War on Involvement

I want to share a lesson I learned from reading about the Civil War that is applicable to some of you. If you are part of Island Pond but not involved in any of the committees, teams, or other leadership roles, then please listen up! Prior to the Civil War, there was a battle raging on in the senate and congress over slavery. Many of the southern states wanted the right to keep and protect their slaves while many in…

Living in Community

Hebrews 10:24-25 – And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Ecclesiastes 4:12 – And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Have you ever wondered why there is no such thing as “support individuals.” At…


Psalm 34:18 – The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Psalm 51:17 – The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. I recently spoke with someone who told me the story of hitting rock bottom. He had previously fallen into some sinful habits and for a long period of time was stuck. Then a number of events all came together that led him to feel completely broken.…

The Power of Reading A Little Each Day

What comes to mind when I say the word BOOK? Boredom? School? Cozy evenings of adventure? I have observed that books are about as loved and hated as a political party. Some people swear by them. They would pick a book over just about anything else. However, others would never dream of going near one. Some people just really don’t like books. They find them boring compared the many other interesting forms of entertainment out there. When I was growing…

Ask The Pastor: Is it a sin to watch “R” rated movies?

Is it a sin to watch “R” rated movies? Great question! I will begin by saying that the MPAA rating system was not around when the Bible was written, so there were no ratings at all. So no, the Bible does not give any direction about “R” rated movies. Is that skirting around the question? 🙂 Let’s ask it another way: “Is it a sin to watch sinful behavior in movies?” This could involve filthy language, violence, sex, and so…

Ask the Pastor: Is it biblical to confess to a priest?

“Is it biblical to confess to a priest?” One of the foundational beliefs of Protestant Christianity is the “priesthood of all believers.” This is the belief that all believers (all who have put their faith in Jesus Christ) share privilege of being priests. There is no special class of Christians who have a greater spiritual ability to understand Scripture, are able to forgive sins, or are mediators between humans and God. Some passages that back this idea up (priesthood of…

Ask the Pastor: How can I tell if something is the will of God or from Satan?

“How can I tell if something is the will of God or from Satan?” This is a deep one that can’t be answered in an exhaustive manner in a short blog. It touches on difficult subjects like the will of God, human suffering, and why God allows us to suffer. With this in mind, let me give you several things to think about… 1) If it is happening, then in some way, it is God’s will. What I mean is…

What Are You Modeling To Your Kids?

Earlier this week my wife and I were cleaning up after dinner in the kitchen. The kids were off doing their chores throughout the house. In that moment, I asked my wife, “Do you want to hear a new worship song I heard that I really like?”  She gave her a assent so I told my pal Alexa to play the song. After the song was over, my wife said, “Great song!” That was the end of the conversation about…

Don’t Neglect Church

Dear Church Family, We have now been enduring the effects of the coronavirus for three months. It has changed many aspects of our lives. As your pastor, I want to encourage you to stay focused on the things that matter during this strange time. One trend I have noticed throughout — both in our church and what I have heard from other churches — is that some folks have stopped attending church. So let me talk specifically to Island Ponders.…