Psalm 19:11 – God’s Word Guides /// Morning Fuel

Psalm 19:11 – God’s Word Guides /// Morning Fuel

In Psalm 19, David talks about wow God speaks to us. And the main way he does this is through his Word. In verses 7-10, David gives some amazing ways that God’s word benefits us.

Then when we get to verse 11, he says this: “Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.” What he’s saying is that Scripture says things that we need to listen to in order for our life to go in the right direction. There are some warnings in it about things we should avoid, and these are NOT suggestions!

If the word of God is coming from GOD, then why would you only obey it a little? Instead, we should be intentional about letting it guide our lives.

I used to get lost ALL THE TIME. I’m just not good with directions. When I first started driving, the big thing were Mapquest maps, so I would always print out maps! The problem as that, if you missed on turn, THEN WHAT?

Then a little after that, a fancy things came out called a “GPS” And let me tell you, they changed my life! All of a sudden, I could drive without the fear of being lost!

Now that’s all about driving, but what is FAR more important, is your spiritual life. And your Bible is your spiritual GPS. If you will listen to what it says then it will get you to the right spiritual destination!

John Bunyan said, “This book will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from this book.” That’s why David says in Psalm 119:11 – I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

I want to challenge you today: turn on your spiritual gps! Get in the Word. Read it. Listen to it. Let it guide you. And then watch as it guides your life in the right direction.