Don’t Neglect Church

Don’t Neglect Church

Dear Church Family,

We have now been enduring the effects of the coronavirus for three months. It has changed many aspects of our lives. As your pastor, I want to encourage you to stay focused on the things that matter during this strange time. One trend I have noticed throughout — both in our church and what I have heard from other churches — is that some folks have stopped attending church.

So let me talk specifically to Island Ponders. I know you have a lot on your plate right now. But in the midst of all the other things going on, do not miss out on one of the foundational parts of your spiritual growth… weekly church worship.

It is so important that you intentionally take some time each week to gather together to worship God as a church community. It is important to hear the Word of God preached. It is important to sing songs worshipping God. If you neglect this habit, your spiritual life will suffer.

I have been tracking both online and in-person attendance throughout the past three months, and it is clear that not everyone who called Island Pond their church home is taking part in regular worship. If you have found a different church home… wonderful! But I fear some of you have simply gotten used to doing something else on Sunday morning.

You need church. It is important to your spiritual life. So please do not neglect this habit.

With this in mind, I challenge you to get back into the habit of attending church! If you do not feel comfortable attending in person, then I challenge you to be intentional about attending online. We have literally put thousands of dollars, the past few months, into improving our online streaming. So the online service is ready and waiting for you!

I know some of you would love to come, but can’t because your children won’t make it through a service. If that is you, I encourage you to either be intentional about watching online, or work it out with your spouse so that you two can alternate attending. For example, one could go to the 9:30 service and the other to the 10:30 service. If you live far away, one spouse can take the kids to a nearby park while the other attends, and then you can switch. Or at the very least, one can attend this week and another next week.

This is not ideal, but we are not in an ideal time. Inconvenience yourself a little to spend some time worshipping God.

I know it is easier to not attend (either online or in-person), but I am challenging you to look beyond “easy” and pursue what will help you grow spiritually.

Island Pond… get to church! Online or in-person. In some form or fashion, make it a priority on Sunday. Your soul will thank you.

Praying for you all.

Pastor Kyle