God Is Still In Control In The Midst of Uncertainty

God Is Still In Control In The Midst of Uncertainty

One of the challenges of pastoral ministry is the bipolar nature of the job. One day (or moment) things can be going great and everyone seems to love you. The next day (or moment) things quickly turn sour, with bad news arriving, people getting upset, or disasters happening. With the quick changes, you learn to expect that anything could happen at any time and you are never really on “solid” ground with things around you. Over time, this can wear a person down! It is no wonder that many pastors struggle with depression and many do not last in the profession.

While pastoral ministry is a unique job, everyone has issues in their life at times as well. Maybe it is not their job (though it certainly can be), but instead their family, health, or financial situation. Maybe it just the craziness of the world and everything reported on the news. Simply put: this world is full of uncertainty! The problem is that if you put your “trust” or hope in your situation, then you are going to drive yourself to insanity!

In John 16, Jesus is telling his disciples about the uncertainty and tribulation that they will soon be facing. It will be so bad that they will be “scattered”. We know from Acts that they ended up running for their lives in the midst of great persecution. But in the midst of all that uncertainty, this is what Jesus said to them: “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (v. 33).

Jesus is saying, “Yes, you will have a lot of uncertainty in this world! But don’t worry, because I am in charge.”

How could he say that to people who were going to be persecuted? Some would literally be martyred for this faith!

Fast forward to 1 Corinthians 15. As I read it this morning in my devotional time, I was impressed with the thought that our hope is not in what God will do for us in this life, but in what he will do in the life to come.

Don’t get me wrong, God is still at work in this world. But even the most peaceful life on earth will still experience pain and heartache.

However, anyone who has put their faith in Christ can look forward to a time when all that pain, suffering, and heartache will be gone. Through Christ, we have victory! Victory over death, victory over pain, victory over suffering, victory over sin.

Do we live in an uncertain time? Yes! But if we can learn to put our hope and trust in Jesus Christ, we will be able to make it through knowing that one day all things will be better.

“The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:56-58).