Seven Purposeful Activities To Help Your Children Walk With God

Seven Purposeful Activities To Help Your Children Walk With God

In the book, “The Art of Parenting,” Dennis and Barbara Rainey talk about seven purposeful activities that the parents can engage their children in to develop them into godly adults. Here are those seven activities:

1) Pray With Your Children.

“When prayer becomes a way of life in your family, it teaches your children that: 1) prayer at its essence is faith that recognizes that God exists, 2) prayer acknowledges that God hears, 3) prayer believes that God cares, 4) prayer means surrendering our wills to the loving authority of God our Father.”

Therefore, we should pray with and over them! Pray for God’s blessing on them, that God would protect them, and guide them. When they encounter problems, pray with them! When they have a need, pray!

2) Read the Bible With Your Kids.

If they are younger, then read it at an appropriate level, but be reading the Bible with them! Start out with a good children’s Bible and then as they grow older you can transition into the full Bible.

The authors recommend the children’s Bible “The Jesus Storybook Bible” by Sally Lloyd-Jones. I (Kyle) actually just finished reading that Bible with my kids and really enjoyed it. Another one for the younger kids that I (still Kyle) recommend is “The Big Picture Story Bible” by David Helm. Both of these children’s Bibles do a great job at linking Jesus with the stories throughout the Bible.

3) Collect Spiritual Milestones And Answers to Prayer.

Find a method to keep track of spiritual needs and answers to prayer. Write down ways that God is working in your lives. Then over time, review them with your kids and show them all that God has done!

“These spiritual milestones show the ways God has been at work. They are His fingerprints on your family.”

4) Read (Or Listen To) Books And Stories That Invite Imagination About God And His Love.

Be reading (or listening) to good books that spark the imagination. They recommend “The Chronicles of Narnia” by C.S. Lewis. On long car rides they also recommend the audio stories from Focus on the Family called, “Adventures in Odyssey.” Also be reading books that talk about God working in the lives of his people. Missionary stories are a great way of doing this.

5) Take Your Kids To Church Regularly.

“We made the decision to make church attendance a weekly priority. It signaled to our kids that learning about God and being with His people was important to our family.”

6) Invite Heroes In The Faith to Have Dinner With Your Family.

Invite people over to your house who have a spiritual story to tell. While you eat dinner with the person, have him/her give a testimony of how God worked in their life. “Courageous followers of Christ infect others to become courageous in their faith, too.”

7) Encourage Your Kids To Go On Mission Trips – And Go Together If You Can.

Mission trips help kids see beyond their privileged lifestyle in America. It helps them see the importance of having a strong spiritual life and evangelism. Even if a person never puts their faith in Christ because of the mission trip, the one who goes is always impacted.