Soup Kitchen

Soup Kitchen

Thank you for your interested in the soup kitchen! Here is some information…

  • To sign up to volunteer for a particular date, email the office at [email protected]. If you have any questions, the office will put you in touch with Renee Nohelty, who leads the soup kitchen volunteer team for Island Pond.
  • Where: We will be volunteering at the Sonshine Soup Kitchen. The address is 6 Crystal Avenue DerryNH 03038. Their website is
  • When: We will be volunteering on the third Wednesday of each month. (I will be coordinating a schedule for those who would rather do alternating months.)
  • Time: The required time is from 3-6pm. You will be standing for that entire time.
  • How Many: We can bring a max of FIVE people each time. There will be five slots on the signup sheet and then there will be a “backup” list to add your name to in case the five slots are filled. If someone cancels as it gets closer, I will contact a name on the backup list.
  • What: Once you arrive, you will be assigned duties. Some duties involve cooking, others cleaning, and serving. Please come willing to do whatever they ask you to do, we are here to serve the soup kitchen and the people who eat there!
  • Requirements: Per the Sonshine Soup Kitchen: “Volunteers must be at least 18 years old to serve in the soup kitchen. They cannot have anyone under the age of 18 in the building at all. You must also be able to stand during the entire time.
  • Dress code: Pants and close-toed shoes are required. They also do not allow volunteers to wear shorts, tank tops, open-toed shoes, or tight-fitting pants like yoga pants. You are welcome to try to find something in the Clothing Closet if you do not have appropriate attire. Your own ball cap or hair net (provided) required in the kitchen.
  • Parking: See the link below for parking info.
  • Remember: Smile! Have fun! Follow the directions of the leader! They have a particular process for doing things, so please go along with their procedures.

To sign up to volunteer please email the office at [email protected]. 

Parking Info:


Other documents: 

2022 Volunteering Info  (PDF)

Map for volunteer parking