Genesis 32 captures Jacob at a turning point—facing fear, clinging to self-reliance, and ultimately wrestling with God. Throughout the chapter, we see Jacob swing between faith and fear, confidence and control. But in the end, God meets him in his weakness, wounds him, and renames him. The limp Jacob receives becomes a symbol of spiritual strength—a reminder that God’s power is made perfect not in our strength, but in our surrender. This message challenges us to stop striving in our…
Continuing our Genesis series, we explored Genesis 29, where Jacob, fleeing from his brother, arrives at his destination and falls for Rachel. But instead of a love story without complications, Jacob is deceived into marrying Leah first, showing that the trickster has met his match in Uncle Laban. Yet, even in this mess of deception and polygamy, God is at work. He uses Leah, the overlooked sister, to continue the lineage of Jesus through Judah, showing that God loves and…
We’ve returned to our Genesis series, diving into Genesis 28, where Jacob, fleeing from his brother Esau, has a significant dream about a ladder reaching to heaven. This vision isn’t just about Jacob—it’s a powerful symbol pointing to Jesus as the true connection between God and man. While the people of Babel tried to build their own way to heaven, Jacob’s dream reveals that God is the one who comes down to us. Jesus confirms this in John 1:51, saying…
In this blog series, Deeper, I look at a theological or biblical topic more deeply and see how it applies to our lives. Today I will be looking at the topic of infant baptism. As a Southern Baptist pastor, I do not believe that infant baptism is biblical. However, there are some wonderful pastors from other denominations that do believe in infant baptism. Just this week, I was reading one of my favorite commentaries, while preparing for my sermon on…
Dear Island Pond Family, If you never give online, then you can ignore this email. If you do give online, please continue reading! With the start of the new year we are transitioning to a new online giving platform called Planning Center. Please read the following information, particularly if you use recurring giving. The giving page on our website has been updated, so if you normally give by clicking on that link, then you can continue doing what you normally do. You…
Warning: This blog covers some mature themes of a sexual nature. What if I told you that your sexual problems were caused by pornography? In his book, Your Brain on Porn, Gary Wilson discusses how porn causes sexual problems in the brain. Mind you, this is not some conservative Christian saying this. This is coming from a secular (non-Christian) scientist. Too often people think that porn either 1) enhances sexual experiences, or, at the very least, 2) won’t have any…
Why even talk about this issue? I am on a number of Facebook groups for pastors and a question comes up on a regular basis pertaining to this issue. It usually goes something like this: “Betty and Arnold are living together and want to be married ‘in the eyes of God’ but not by the state. Betty is a widow who is receiving her former husband’s pension and if she get’s married she will lose that financial help. Therefore, she…