Sermons on Evangelism

Sermons on Evangelism

Luke 15:1-10 – Jesus Loves The Lost

In Luke 15:1-10, Jesus tells two parables to demonstrate how much he cares for those that are spiritually lost. Pastor Kyle looks at these and talks about what it means for us today. If Jesus cares for the lost, then we should too! Sermon Clip (The teaching sheet with the main points of the message can be downloaded by clicking on the above “save” button) Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry,…

Matthew 5:33-48 – Living As A Witness To The World

In Matthew 5:33-48, Jesus talks about how we should live around other people. In particular, how do we shine as Christians to people? Jesus gives the examples of being truthful, loving our enemies, and not retaliating. If we live these out we will be much better witnesses to those around us. We can’t tell people about the truth of Jesus if they don’t believe us. Sermon Clip (The teaching sheet with the main points of the message can be downloaded…

1 Corinthians 1:26-28 – The Power of Ordinary People

Guest preacher Sam Taylor from the BCNE shares from 1 Corinthians 1:26-28 on how ordinary people can make an extraordinary difference. Island Pond Baptist Church is an SBC church in Hampstead, NH, just seconds from Derry, NH. We also have many people at our church from surrounding cities such as Chester, Sandown, Danville, Kingston, Fremont, Plaistow, Atkinson, Derry, Londonderry, Salem, and Haverhill. If you live in Southern New Hampshire, we would love for you to come and visit! 

Matthew 5:13-16 – You Are Salt and Light

Whether we work in the home or out of the home, we all have certain duties that we much carry out. In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus gives two of the duties for Christians. He says that we are salt and light to the world. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle shares what it means to be salt and light and how we can carry out these duties. We are called to be light to a world in darkness. Sermon Clip (The teaching…

Acts 1:6-11 – A Disciple Testifies

In this sermon, Pastor Kyle gives the sixth characteristic of being a disciple of Jesus Christ, which is: A disciple of Jesus Christ testifies. In Acts 1:6-11, Jesus is about to ascend into heaven when his disciples ask him if he is going to save Israel from the Romans. Jesus flips the responsibility to what his disciples are not to do: go be a witness to the world! Pastor Kyle explains more about this and how it applies to us. Witnessing…

1 Peter 2:9-10 – Called To Proclaim

In this series, Pastor Kyle focuses on five steps to take to grow spiritually. In this sermon, which is the fifth step, Pastor Kyle talks about the importance of proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ. Looking at 1 Peter 2:9-10, we are told who we are, what we should do (in light of who we are), and why we should do it. Because we are God’s chosen people, we are called to proclaim God’s love to others. When you…

Romans 16:17-27 – Don’t Lose Focus (part 2)

In the last part of chapter 16, Paul gives two final statements. First, he talks about the importance of avoiding divisive people who try to deceive Christians from following the gospel message. Second, he describes who God is and ends the chapter by praising him. Pastor Kyle explains the importance of these two things and shows how we can do these in our own lives as well. Avoid the ones who will negatively influence you but engage the others. Sermon…

Romans 16:1-16 – Don’t Lose Focus (part 1)

In this final chapter of Romans, Paul has a number of last words for the churches in Rome. All of it can be summed up with this statement: don’t lose focus. Paul starts out in verses 1-16 by giving a number of greetings. What can we learn from greetings like this? Pastor Kyle gives two things to think about based on this passage. We can only hand out the truth if the other person is close enough to receive it.…

Romans 15:14-33 – The Great Commission Christian

Paul is known as one of the greatest missionaries of the New Testament. He had a passion to make Jesus known, particularly to those who had never heard about Jesus. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle looks at Paul’s words in the second part of Romans 15, which give us a behind-the-scenes look at what made Paul such a great missionary. Will you be a Californian Christian or a Carpathia Christian? Sermon Clip   The message notes for the sermon can…

John 1:35-49 – One Life Changing Many

In John 1:35-49, we see the story of people meeting Jesus and then inviting others to meet Jesus. One life makes a big difference because that one can reach others. In this sermon, Pastor Kyle challenges everyone to live on mission to reach one person at a time. You may not be a great evangelist, but you never know what the one you witness to may become. Sermon Clip   The message notes for the sermon can be downloaded by…

Romans 9:30-10:21 – Our Responsibility

After spending most of chapter 9 talking about God’s sovereignty and his election of people, Paul transitions into something that seems to be contrary to what he just talked about: man’s responsibility. Paul says that salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ. With that in mind, we as Christians are called to proclaim the message of Jesus to people around us. Paul was willing to step outside of his comfort zone, traditions, and customs in order to reach people. So…

2 Timothy 4:1-8 – Paul’s Retirement Message

Can Christians glorify God during retirement? If so, how do they do it? In this message, Pastor Kyle looks at some of Paul’s last words he wrote before he was martyred. The words, in essence, compose  his retirement message. In the message, Paul encourages us to keep fighting until the end, stay focused on the mission God has given us, and always preach the word. It is not a bad thing to stop your vocation job, but it is a…